Home Institutional Values Extension Activities

Extension Activities

AIMS Fostering Social Responsibility Through Community Engagement

The institute faculty and staff members actively engaged in sensitizing students to social issues. Institute sensitize students and citizens of the City to social issues.

Students worked in groups, guided by faculty members to execute the various extension activities. Extension is the aspect of education which emphasizes community services. It is a visible element for developing sensitivities towards community issues, and in inculcating values and commitment to society.

The initiatives through various awareness drives like Safe Clean and Pollution Free, Diwali Awareness Campaign, Swach Sarvekshan and E pledge Campaign, Plastic Ban Awareness Drive, Election Card Awareness Drive, Electric Vehicle Awareness Drive, Eco Holi Awareness Drive, E Waste Segregation Home Composting Awareness Drive, Awareness Drive, Clean Water Awareness Campaign, Women Cycle Rally for Health Awareness, Cleanliness Drive, Tree Plantation, Solar Water Heater Awareness Drive, Waste Segregation Awareness Drive, and Save Energy Awareness Drives, Blood Donation Camp. Sapling Distribution. The National Flag Distribution activity sparked a wave of patriotism among kids and teachers.

These Activities were carried out under various Government schemas like Swachh Sarvekshan, Mazhi Vasundhara Abhiyan. It is achieved by collaborating with Baramati Municipal Council (BMC), Baramati, through its active MoU.

This was achieved by collaborating with Baramati Municipal Council (BMC), Rotary Club, Baramati through its active MoU.

The purpose of Extension activities sensitizing the students to social issues for their holistic development.

3.4.3 Number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution through organized forums including NSS/NCC with involvement of community during the last five years